
cymuned Ffermio yn Nyffryn Dyfi / A Farming community in the Dyfi Valley


David Shaw is a young and emerging, professional photojournalist and photographer based in the UK but often working abroad.

A dominant thread running through his work is community, whether it’s multicultural Oldham, English football fans in Russia, the cultures of Myanmar and North Korea or farmers in the Dyfi valley.

He sees his photography work as investigations and he spends time within each community so that he can get to know, and become familiar to, those people. But entering those communities as an ‘outsider’.

Mae David Shaw yn ffotonewyddiadurwr a ffotograffydd proffesiynol ifanc sy'n dod i'r amlwg yn y DU ond yn aml yn gweithio dramor.

Llinyn amlwg yn ei waith yw cymuned, boed yn Oldham amlddiwylliannol, yn gefnogwyr pêl-droed Seisnig yn Rwsia, diwylliannau Myanmar a Gogledd Corea neu ffermwyr yn nyffryn Dyfi.

Mae’n gweld ei waith ffotograffiaeth fel ymchwiliadau ac mae’n treulio amser o fewn pob cymuned er mwyn iddo ddod i adnabod y bobl ynddynt a dod yn gyfarwydd â nhw. Ond gan fynd i mewn i'r cymunedau hynny fel rhywun o'r tu allan.

‘Caeadda’ is work that David Shaw produced to gain his MA in Photography at the London College of Communication and reflects his journalistic background. For him, farmers and the farming way of life is a story, one that needs to be told and there is often a thin dividing line between social documentary photography and photojournalism.

The photographs in this exhibition are a selection from that overall body of work and, to some extent, our own interpretation, as exhibition curators, of David’s work.
— Geoff Young / Diane Bailey - the exhibition's curators

One of David’s strengths as a photographer is his respect not only for his subject but also for the power of the medium of photography itself. In 2019 he took time out from his photography and trained to work within the NHS. Returning to his photography, his experiences working in such a contrasting, emotionally charged field has permanently influenced his approach to working with individuals and communities, now more than ever aware of the difficulties that are faced in everyday living.

Un o gryfderau David fel ffotograffydd yw ei barch nid yn unig at yr unigolyn y mae’n tynnu lluniau ohono ond hefyd at bŵer cyfrwng ffotograffiaeth ei hun. Yn 2019, cymerodd amser i ffwrdd o’i ffotograffiaeth a hyfforddodd i weithio o fewn y GIG. Gan ddychwelyd at ei ffotograffiaeth, mae ei brofiadau yn gweithio mewn maes mor gyferbyniol, llawn emosiwn wedi dylanwadu’n barhaol ar ei ddull o weithio gydag unigolion a chymunedau, sydd bellach yn fwy ymwybodol nag erioed o’r anawsterau a wynebir ym mywyd beunyddiol.

Selected NGO Commissions / Comisiynau NGO a ddewiswyd:

Solidarités International, ORBIS International, ICRC (Red Cross) Lebanon, UNDP, The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, The Barka Foundation, The Rustic Pathways Foundation and the International Solidarity Movement.

PUBLISHED IN / Wedi'i gyhoeddi yn:

Al-Jazeera, VICE, The Guardian, Mundial, The Economist, The New Internationalist, The Financial Times, BBC, The Blizzard, HUCK, Howler, Rabona, Delayed Gratification, The Huffington Post, The LA Review of Books, Contra Journal amongst many others / ymhlith eraill.



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